Questions on application, the selection process and training
Still have further questions about the application or the selection process? You can find the most important answers here.
Still have further questions about the application or the selection process? You can find the most important answers here.
Whether you are applying for a traineeship or a cooperative study program, we don’t have a conventional deadline for applications.
Since we begin our selection process in the September before the program starts, you should ideally apply right at the start of the summer vacation the year before you would like to start training. As a general rule, however, you can apply for a traineeship with us as long as the positions are advertised online.
Cooperative study
The best way to get a place on a cooperative study program is by applying for our Move it! applicant selection days that take place every year in summer. These events offer the chance to secure your place before the summer vacation.
Of course, you don’t have to use Move it! to apply for a cooperative study place with us. Whichever way you do it, you can apply as long as the position is advertised online. We look forward to hearing from you.
Are you still not sure which course is right for you? Then come along to our “Cooperative study” information evening, that takes place every year. There you will be able to meet us in person and find out which cooperative study program would suit you best.
We look forward to your application!
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Was passiert eigentlich, nachdem ich mich bei SEW-EURODRIVE beworben habe?
You can find out how exactly the application process works in our video:
It is easy to apply to us online. Unfortunately, we are not able to process e-mail or postal applications.
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Online bewerben, leicht gemacht! In diesem Video zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie online den passenden Job suchen und Ihre Bewerbung direkt an uns senden.
There are a series of screen forms that need to be completed. There is also the option of adding attachments using any conventional file types (please do not files). The minimum amount of information is a certificate of the highest level of graduation, or your last two reports, a cover letter and a CV. A photo is optional. If you have prepared your documents as an attachment you may not need to complete some of the forms. You will then find out how everything works on the application screen itself.
Make it individual and don't just copy it from somewhere.
The following content is useful:
Grades are like admission cards. Good grades are not everything but they do increase the likelihood that you will be invited to the selection process.
We do not require a certain grade point average, but look at the subjects important for the relevant training program. Examples: mechatronics requires good math skills, while industrial clerks or information management engineers need to have a good knowledge of German. Secondary subjects also tell us about the applicant's learning behavior and commitment. You can find more detailed information on the requirements for individual training and degree programs in the job descriptions.
If you are unsure which training program/course of study would suit you best, you can submit several online applications. You are welcome to use your cover letter to tell us which training program/course of study you are most interested in and whether you would prefer a cooperative study program or the StudiumPlus.
Yes! We recommend that you take the time to consider how you can revise your application to make it more interesting for us.
The main selection process for traineeships with us begins in the September of the year before the traineeship is to start. It can even be earlier, depending on when applications are received. Based on previous experience, our selection process is complete by Christmas.
Cooperative study
If you would like to undertake a cooperative study program with us, we recommend you apply for our Move it! applicant selection days that take place every year in summer. If we are impressed by your application, we will invite you to one of these days. If we are still keen on each other after Move it!, we will send you an acceptance within one week of the selection days, before the summer vacation.
We will offer further selection days from September onward for any places that remain unfilled. Whichever way you do it, you can apply as long as the position is advertised online. Based on previous experience, our selection process is always complete by Christmas.
We look forward to your application!
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Was passiert eigentlich, nachdem ich mich bei SEW-EURODRIVE beworben habe?
We first screen the application documents to reduce the number of applicants. You are then invited to a group selection process and a one-on-one interview. The group selection process is where six applicants work together to complete a task. This is not something that you can prepare for – this is where you score points based on your personality.
In a one-on-one interview we then ask about your motivation and suitability for the selected training program and other personal questions. To prepare for the interview you can consider your key strengths and the questions that you want to ask us. It is also important to us that you familiarize yourself with the job description and the content of the training in advance.
You can find out how exactly the application process works in our video:
Our tip for the entire selection process: be yourself and not who you think we want you to be.
If you've applied and we think you fit the bill, we will invite you to one of our Move it! selection days that take place every year in summer. This will give us all the opportunity to get to know each other better. You will have one-to-one interviews with our trainers, get the chance to talk to existing students on the program and complete a math test. Unfortunately, the relevant math expertise is essential.
Taking part in Move it! could mean you secure a cooperative study place before the summer vacation!
You can prepare by considering what makes you interesting to us and what questions you want to ask us. Our tip for the entire selection process – be yourself and not who you think we want you to be.
We look forward to your application!
Yes. However, we would like to ask you to briefly state your reasons for starting a training program now in your cover letter.
Yes, this is possible. However, it is important that there are no admission restrictions for the desired degree program due to a previous de-registration at another university.
We have previously come across individuals who started their training program/cooperative study program at another company wanting to/having to switch training company. However, there must be overwhelming reasons for this to be the case, such as if your current training operation is initiating insolvency proceedings and will no longer be able to offer training programs. And we naturally check every applicant just as thoroughly as is the case in the normal selection process.
We provide training according to requirements. This means that we are not able to simply create additional training positions. Please consult your personal contact before you apply.
Yes, you can also apply for a training program as a high-school graduate! However, you will need to describe your future plans and motives for completing a training program at SEW.
..qualifications for entry to a university of applied science?
You can apply to study at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) if you are qualified for entry to a university of applied science.
Entry to a course at a university of applied science requires good or very good school grades and vocational training in a relevant occupation completed to a very high standard. A very good result in the DHBW scholastic aptitude test is also necessary.
You can find information about the scholastic aptitude test and when it is held on the DHBW website.
How will your training progress? You can find answers to the most important questions here.
The start of training for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) professions is the start of November.
In the Bruchsal and Graben-Neudorf plants.
The majority of the technical training programs are completed in Graben-Neudorf.
Yes. The trial period lasts for one month.
In every training program, full-time instructors are responsible for your training. Within the departments our trainees are supported by training officers.
The training stipend is clearly regulated. SEW-EURODRIVE pays its trainees the following salary based on the collective agreement with the Nordwürttemberg/Nordbaden metal and electrical industry:
First year of training: EUR 1,091.00
Second year of training: EUR 1,159.00
Third year of training: EUR 1,261.50
Fourth year of training: EUR 1,329.50
In the technical training program an opportunity to work in our French plant in Haguenau occasionally arises.
In the past we have been able to offer employment to all trainees who displayed good commitment and performances during training.
How does the cooperative study program work? You can find answers to the most important questions here.
The cooperative study program commences with a pre-university internship at the start of September (the study program at the Cooperative State University officially starts on 1 October, the StudiumPLUS starts in the summer semester)
In the Bruchsal and Graben-Neudorf plants. Possibly also in our nationwide service and assembly plants and technical offices. An international placement is also possible.
Yes, the trial period lasts for three months.
Students in all courses are supported by full-time instructors. In addition, supervisors are available to answer any subject-related queries, particularly during the practical phases.
A bachelor's degree is a course of study that leads to a professional qualification. Should you nonetheless wish to complete a master's, SEW EURODRIVE offers the opportunity to study part-time for a master's. SEW EURODRIVE also supports a number of students each year in a full-time master's program in cooperation with SEW EURODRIVE.
SEW-EURODRIVE offers two options – the compact, three-year Cooperative State University study program, which alternates between theory and practice. In the StudiumPLUS program, you will study mechanical engineering, mechatronics, electrical engineering, information technology, computer science or information management at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, while at the same time completing a training program with us. Both models have specific benefits – we are happy to advise you!
We suggest you come along to our “Cooperative study” information evening that takes place every year in May. There you will be able to meet us in person and find out which study program would suit you best. You can find out all about the information evening here.
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Impressionen von unserem Infoabend zum Dualen Studium bei SEW-EURODRIVE.
Cooperative State University study program:
First year of study: EUR 1,246.86
Second year of study: EUR 1,324.57
Third year of study: EUR 1,441.71
First year of study: EUR 1,246.86
Second year of study: EUR 1,324.57
Third year of study: EUR 1,441.71
Fourth year of study: EUR 1,519.43
Fifth year of study: EUR 1,519.43
Yes! Students completing the cooperative study programs can complete their practical semester at one of our global subsidiaries. Prerequisites for this are commitment and good performance.
In the past we have been able to offer employment to all dual students who displayed good commitment and performances during training.
You can find us at numerous events. You can find all current dates in our Events calendar.
We believe in working well and living well. Discover one of Germany's most vibrant regions, famous for its climate and its beautiful landscape. Bruchsal has a multitude of sights and cultural highlights as well as a fantastic living environment. For example, the city of Karlsruhe, the third largest city in Baden-Württemberg, is only 20 kilometers away. It is also one of the sunniest cities in Germany. Find out more about Bruchsal and the Karlsruhe region here!
Take a look at our application tips and apply now! We look forward to meeting you.
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Apply now!
Still have more questions on the cover letter, CV or interview? You can find helpful tips here.