Our training concept

Training with a future

We make you fit for the future. We impart comprehensive technical knowledge so that you are able to master all future challenges, and a great deal more.

Our training concept includes multi-day seminars
Our training concept includes multi-day seminars
Our training concept includes multi-day seminars

We place great importance on training: Challenging tasks in a modern work environment await you. Full-time instructors provide support and encouragement for the entire training or study time. As a family-owned company we particularly value open and respectful interaction.

Expert knowledge is not everything. In professional life your personality is also important: that's why our training concept includes three multi-day seminars that we structure and hold ourselves. Topics such as target orientation, responsibility, structured work, quality consciousness, problem-solving and cooperation become tangible and clear concepts in interesting seminars and outdoor exercises. They help you develop your personality and teach you to trust yourself and others. Learning can also be fun!

72h movie

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SEW-EURODRIVE 72-hour campaign

We take our responsibility for your professional training seriously. We are always there to help: expert instructors and numerous specialists explain precisely what you need to know. And we also provide support during exam preparation: for example, vocational school teachers are available on site during the time when you are “under the pump”.

Here is an example of what our trainees and students create based on their own initiative.

Want even more detail? Find out more here:

What your training schedule looks like

Du interessierst dich für eine Ausbildung bei SEW-EURODRIVE? In diesem Video zeigen wir dir, wie ein Tag in unserem Ausbildungszentrum abläuft und was dich als Auszubildende(r) erwartet.
Ein Tag in unserem Ausbildungszentrum | SEW-EURODRIVE

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Du interessierst dich für eine Ausbildung bei SEW-EURODRIVE? In diesem Video zeigen wir dir, wie ein Tag in unserem Ausbildungszentrum abläuft und was dich als Auszubildende(r) erwartet.

A day in our training workshop

Every training or degree program has a training schedule that is constantly updated. By following this schedule, you will get to learn about all the functions and departments at our company that are important for you. This will gradually increase your understanding of the interconnections at SEW EURODRIVE and your knowledge of our products. If you receive good results in the theoretical and practical parts of your cooperative education program, you can even complete an internship abroad in one of our international subsidiaries or spend several weeks visiting our sales offices in Germany. Among other things, this will give you an insight into technical training – if you would like a taste of what's involved, take a look at our video.

What our training projects offer you

We provide trainees with numerous opportunities to get involved. Such as in our training projects in which you take over important tasks together with colleagues. This may be part of the gearmotor assembly. Or the autonomous implementation of a leisure program in which all employees can participate.

Our equipment

Professional training also includes professional equipment. In our training workshop you will work with cutting-edge machines and systems. And friendly and modern rooms as well as the latest computers and software await you in all the departments that you pass through during your training.

Why we offer you freedom

Freedom is very important to us as, ultimately, it is an expression of your individuality. That's why we give you the freedom to develop your strengths and incorporate your own ideas. We provide assistance: for example, with individual support and flexible working times. This gives you the freedom to express your wishes and to develop in tasks that you find interesting.

Why you can rely on us

As a leading global provider of drive technology, we invest a large part of the earnings that we generate back into the company. This means that the number of staff we employ doesn't just remain constant; we have created a large number of positions, especially in Germany. And, in many cases, these position have been filled by our trainees and students. We remain focused on constant growth and want to shape a successful future with motivated junior employees: we are counting on you!

Reliability naturally has two sides. We also rely on you. And know that you will give your all during your training and for SEW-EURODRIVE. This is the key factor for employment after your training.

Why personal interaction is so important to us

We are a family-owned company. You will encounter our special sense of community, our belief that we are a big “SEW family”, from the very first day. You will notice that this climate works based on the respectful and open interaction with each other. And on countless small details in everyday life: for example, all of our employees always have a greeting ready when they encounter each other – regardless of whether they know each other or not. This means that, as a colleague, you will quickly become part of our company.

We also pay attention to respectful interaction during the application process. Our rationale behind this is: It's not just the applicants who are introducing themselves to us; we are also presenting ourselves as a company to the applicants. And we certainly want to make a good impression!

What we expect from you

Above all: you should not apply for just any job. Rather, you should consciously decide on a training or degree program that you enjoy and that matches your interests. Our website provides a large amount of information to help you make the right decision. Or contact us directly. We are happy to support you.

It is particularly important to us that your personal skills fit the training and us as a company. These include enjoying your work and the will to drive things forward. Show us what you're made of: have you set yourself goals that you have then realized? Do you get involved in activities in your free time or at school, such as in the sports club? Do you enjoy working together with others? Have you already shown that you can take on responsibility? Maybe by working on the school magazine? Then you have come to the right place.

Your training will only be a success if you get fully involved. We provide challenging projects and numerous development opportunities. And we expect you to make the most of these opportunities and display dedication and commitment to you training.

Thinking for yourself and taking responsibility for a common cause should come to you naturally. Ultimately, even during training you are an important factor for the success of our company. It is people who make the difference!

Your prospects with us

We open up a range of opportunities for your future development with comprehensive training. You decide how you proceed after your training or study program. Provided you are committed and your performance is solid, we make sure that all our doors are open for you: from ongoing development through to special support programs.

Training offers at SEW-EURODRIVE

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