Mona Gierl introduces herself

Electrical and information technology cooperative study program
Mona GierlCooperative State University study program, electrical engineering and information technology

Motivated team

My name is Mona Gierl. I am currently in the second semester of my electrical and information technology cooperative study program. I have been interested in sciences since I was at school. I was most interested in math and physics. I started looking at the different study options and it became clear that the electrical engineering subjects were what I was most attracted to. I decided on the Cooperative State University study program due to the alternation between theoretical and practical phases.

I became aware of SEW-EURODRIVE at the Open Day held by the Cooperative State University in Karlsruhe. I liked their first impression from discussions with students and I started researching more about the company on the Internet. For me personally, it was important to know that I would be encouraged and supported in my future studies. I also visited the company's Information Day, which was another part of the reason that I decided on SEW-EURODRIVE.

I particularly appreciate that SEW-EURODRIVE is so strongly committed to its students. Someone is always around and prepared to listen if a problem crops up at any point.

Electrical and information technology cooperative study program
Electrical and information technology cooperative study program
Mona Gierl always looks forward to working together with her colleagues
Mona Gierl always looks forward to working together with her colleagues

I am constantly alternating between the company and the Cooperative State University in Karlsruhe. At the company, most of the time is spent working on projects or tasks. They are practical and provide an insight into professional life. The theoretical phase is held at the Cooperative State University. This is where the required knowledge is transferred in lectures. You also get to meet new fellow students from different companies.

During my working day, the tasks always depend on the department to which I am currently assigned. At the start of the electrical engineering study program you normally spend some time in the training workshop to learn the basics of electronics (e.g. soldering). In other departments you are generally assigned to complete individual tasks or projects as part of a team. The projects can differ considerably depending on the department. For example, one project involved optimizing a manufacturing step in the production area. My group was tasked with analyzing the problem and developing a first draft within two weeks. This draft was then refined and implemented.

Working together with my colleagues is always fun. So far I have always worked in motivated teams who you enjoy working with and meeting up with for lunch. For students it is especially nice to have a link to higher semesters.

At SEW-EURODRIVE I particularly appreciate that the company is so strongly committed to its students. We receive internal training that has already provided valuable support in my studies. You also have the opportunity to work at an international location during the practical phase. I also appreciate that someone is always prepared to listen if a problem crops up at any point.

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