Every day is different
My name is Lena. I am completing my training as a mechatronics technician and am currently in my second year. After obtaining my secondary school leaving certificate I approached SEW-EURODRIVE and started my training. Ever since I was a child I have been inspired by the opportunities provided by technology and trades. I have never been able to imagine having an office job where I have to sit in front of the computer all day. I wanted to be able to move around, perform physical tasks and be able to see what I had achieved at the end of every day.
I am also inquisitive and want to learn as much as possible. The mechatronics training really suited me as it covers a wide range of topics. After completing several internships in various professions to gain an insight into what I wanted to do, I knew which job I was interested in.
I have always wanted to join a company with a good training standard, good employment opportunities and which also offers secure employment. I also preferred a global company as you never know where you might end up. While several companies met these criteria, the BORS internship that I completed at SEW-EURODRIVE allowed me to gain an impression of the company. I found the working environment to be extremely positive and I also felt extremely comfortable at the interview. And so I immediately jumped at the chance when they offered me the position.
Every day is different, every day provides different challenges to be met and every day you learn something new. But the best part is the daily interaction with colleagues, who are always up for a joke.
There is no such thing as a typical working day. Every day is different, every day provides different challenges to be met and every day you learn something new, even when you have been part of the department for an extended period. Even the break times differ between departments. Only the working hours are generally the same; you start the day at 7:00 a.m. and finish at 3:50 p.m. And the activities are also different in each department. I have recently joined the service department in Graben-Neudorf. I dismantle drives into their individual parts, test the functionality of the motors and then reassemble them. It can be dirty work.
But the best part of my training is the daily interaction with colleagues, who are always up for a joke. At the end of the day, the work can be fantastic but it still wouldn't be enjoyable if you don't get along with the people around you. My colleagues are also always ready to lend a hand or provide advice if there's a problem. And another thing that's important to me: being a girl makes absolutely no difference here.
Applicants have to be interested in technology and manual skills; otherwise you won't find the training all that enjoyable. You should also have a solid grasp of mathematics and physics, as the technical subjects at the vocational school essentially only cover subjects from these areas. And you must be able to work in a team.
Don’t miss this chance and apply!
Take a look at our application tips and apply now! We look forward to meeting you.
Yes, I want to drive future!