Jan Franck introduces himself

Training as an IT specialist for system integration
Jan FranckTrainee IT specialist for system integration

Responsibility from the start

Hello, my name is Jan Franck, I am 18 and am currently completing my IT specialist training program with a focus on system integration. I have always been interested in computers and the technology on which they are based. That's why I decided to start this training program. I ultimately applied to SEW-EURODRIVE because the company has a fantastic reputation amongst relatives and acquaintances. It's also important to know that SE-EURODRIVE has a very large and diverse IT area compared to other companies.

There is no such thing as a typical working day in my department, as the areas of responsibility for every department are extremely diverse. For example, in the IT Service Center I work on various employee problems with their IT equipment where I am generally present on-site to repair or replace parts. We also advise employees on new equipment purchases. In the morning I first to talk to my supervisor about the tasks for the day. I then start on these tasks, such as patching network sockets to ensure that new employees can access the network from their workplace, installing new hardware or fault removal.

The best part is the testing of new equipment that is fresh on the market and which you would not normally come into contact with in other situations, such as a new high-end Tablet.

Training as an IT specialist for system integration
Training as an IT specialist for system integration
Jan Franck enjoys testing new devices
Jan Franck enjoys testing new devices

I generally spend my lunch break with my trainee colleagues, who I also get along with well at college. At the end of the day I have a final talk with my supervisor to find out how the tasks went and what still needs to be done.

I have already cooperated in a range of projects, for example, I have installed a touchscreen in an assembly island in the production department so that it can be operated more ergonomically. Besides the touchscreen we also use a standard PC, while I previously completed my research on my laptop.

I often also work together in a team with my colleagues, such as when we are creating a website. We divide the various areas between ourselves, meet regularly, discuss innovations and provide mutual feedback. I would never have expected that you would be given so much responsibility as a trainee. The best part is the testing of new equipment that is fresh on the market and which you would not normally come into contact with in other situations, such as a new high-end Tablet.

I think that SEW-EURODRIVE is a fantastic employer: the company does a lot for its apprentices, for example, three seminars are held as well as numerous training courses. I think it's great that SEW-EURODRIVE is still a family-owned company. I particularly appreciate that the company cares about its trainees and that they are not just treated as a cheap source of labor, as is the case in other companies. There is also a good chance that you will be offered a permanent position after completing your training, so you immediately have security as well as more opportunities.

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