Technical product designer

Technical product designer training

Do you have good spatial perception? Do you enjoy drawing – with precision and attention to detail? Are you fascinated by technology? Then this training program is the right path for you.

This is what a typical training day looks like

Technical product designers learn about 3D modeling using computers
Technical product designers learn about 3D modeling using computers
Technical product designers learn about 3D modeling using computers

This helps you to understand what you will subsequently design as a technical product designer and how it works and you learn the fundamentals of metalworking in practice. We also give you an insight into the fields of pneumatics and control technology. All of this takes place while you complete your fundamental drawing and design training. The assignment of small, independent projects let you develop graphics and documentation as well as detailed designs. Incidentally, drawings are no longer two-dimensional, but are created from three-dimensional models using CAD systems. So we also impart comprehensive knowledge about 3D computer modeling.

The practical part of your basic training is predominantly held at our plant in Graben-Neudorf. Some parts of the technical training is also held in Bruchsal. At the same time, your practical training will be supplemented by theoretical knowledge at the vocational school.

Here you can find an overview of the training program   (PDF)

Interested? Would you like to get a taste of what a technical traineeship is like? No problem – simply take a look at our video.

What happens after the training program

Technical product designers develop detailed designs using CAD systems
Technical product designers develop detailed designs using CAD systems
Technical product designers develop detailed designs using CAD systems

As a technical product designer you prepare 2D and 3D designs of our products and components using the CAD system in the areas of development, research and design. These are then used in Production and Sales.

You also have the option of completing further specialist training in various departments. Prerequisites are: personable, good performance and a high level of commitment.

What you need to start training as a technical product designer

To start training as a technical product designer, you must have completed secondary school. It is important that your personal skills fit the training and us as a company. These include enjoying your work and the will to drive things forward. Grades are not the only factor in our decisions about training positions; rather, they secure your ticket to the interview. We are interested in the overall picture and particularly your grades in mathematics, technology and natural sciences.

What you will earn

The training stipend is clearly regulated. SEW-EURODRIVE pays its trainees the following salary based on the collective agreement with the Nordwürttemberg/Nordbaden metal and electrical industry:

  • First year of training: EUR 1,127.00
  • Second year of training: EUR 1,197.50
  • Third year of training: EUR 1,303.00
  • Fourth year of training: EUR 1,373.50

Would you like to find out more about training as a technical product designer from first-hand accounts? Then read what Julia Bauer and Johannes Böttcher have to say!

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Between the office and the workshop

My name is Julia Bauer and I am currently in my first year of the technical product designer program. As I am interested in mathematics and art, I spent ages looking for the right job on the Internet. That's where I found the profession of technical product designer. I found it interesting that this profession had a lot to do with spatial perception. I then completed two internships at different companies to get a better picture of what it was all about. These confirmed my desire to continue in this profession. As I come from Bruchsal I was familiar with SEW-EURODRIVE and only ever heard and read good things about the company so it was my first choice.

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Training offers at SEW-EURODRIVE

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