Electronics technician for industrial engineering

Training as an electronics technician for industrial engineering

Do you know your way around mathematics and physics? Are you able to understand abstract processes and think logically? Then training as an electronics technician for industrial engineering is perfect for you.

This is what a typical training day looks like

Electronics technicians for industrial engineering plan the energy supply for machines
Electronics technicians for industrial engineering plan at work
Electronics technicians for industrial engineering plan at work

Are you fascinated by electronics? We can teach you a great deal: such as, how to plan and implement the energy supply for machines and production plants and how these are started up, maintained and serviced. We impart a broad knowledge base on all electrical engineering processes to make sure that you can quickly find and rectify failures and faults. You also learn about how individual components are assembled into complex assemblies.

The practical part of your basic training is predominantly held at our plant in Graben-Neudorf. Some parts of the technical training is also held in Bruchsal. At the same time, your practical training will be supplemented by theoretical knowledge at the vocational school.

Here you can find an overview of the training program   (PDF)

Interested? Would you like to get a taste of what a technical traineeship is like? No problem – simply take a look at our video.

What happens after the training program

Electronics technicians for industrial engineering learn about electrical engineering processes
Electronics technicians for industrial engineering learn about electrical engineering processes
Electronics technicians for industrial engineering learn about electrical engineering processes

Following the completion of your electronics technician for industrial engineering training you can, for example, work as a specialist in plant maintenance and develop your comprehensive knowledge and skills. And if you have other ideas for your future and want to continue to develop your skills, you can also choose to complete your supervisor or specialist technician training. Requirement: personable, good performance and a high level of commitment.

What you need to start training as an electronics technician for industrial engineering

To start training as an electronics technician for industrial engineering, you must have completed secondary school. It is important that your personal skills fit the training and us as a company. These include enjoying your work and the will to drive things forward. Grades are not the only factor in our decisions about training positions; rather, they secure your ticket to the interview. We are interested in the overall picture and particularly your grades in mathematics, technology and natural sciences.

What you will earn

The training stipend is clearly regulated. SEW-EURODRIVE pays its trainees the following salary based on the collective agreement with the Nordwürttemberg/Nordbaden metal and electrical industry:

  • First year of training: EUR 1,127.00
  • Second year of training: EUR 1,197.50
  • Third year of training: EUR 1,303.00
  • Fourth year of training: EUR 1,373.50

Would you like to find out more about training as an electronics technician for industrial engineering from first-hand accounts? Then read what Talhah Zubair and Robin Kratzmeier have to say!

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Fun at work goes without saying

My name is Talhah Zubair and I am in the second year of my training as an electronics technician for industrial engineering. I have always been interested in technology and especially in electrical engineering. I am always fascinated when, after building, soldering or programming, the lamp turns on, the motor rotates or the circuit does what it is supposed to do.

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