Industrial engineering cooperative study program

Industrial engineering cooperative study program: optimize production processes

Are you comfortable with technology and want to work where technology meets business? Such as in Production, Service or Sales? Then you have come to the right place.

Course of the practical section

Industrial engineering cooperative study program: optimize production processes
Industrial engineering cooperative study program: optimize production proce
Industrial engineering cooperative study program: optimize production proce

These are important milestones in your practical training:

  • at our training workshop in Graben-Neudorf plant you will learn the basics of mechanical and electrical engineering.
  • Multi-day seminars on the topics such as communication, autonomy and development opportunities also prepare you for the challenges in professional life.
  • You expand your knowledge in comprehensive training courses that cover our products as well the topics of IT, programming, project management and business studies.
  • You will become familiar with inventory management (purchasing and planning and scheduling) as well as the production and assembly plants.
  • You also learn more about the processes in the financial accounting and controlling departments.
  • You gain an insight into the international sales structure and processes: from marketing through to service.

If you receive good results in the theoretical and practical parts you can complete an internship abroad in one of our international subsidiaries or a multi-week visit to our sales offices in Germany.

On the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University webpages you will find general description of the study programs as well as detailed information on the individual modules of our study model.

Your tasks at SEW-EURODRIVE

Industrial engineering cooperative study program: insight into assembly planning
Industrial engineering cooperative study program: insight into assembly planning
Industrial engineering cooperative study program: insight into assembly planning

In your first year of study, you and your fellow students will participate in discussions, tours and information events to obtain an overview of the company's entire organization. You will start taking on independent tasks and smaller projects from as early as the third semester. For example, in Purchasing you may be involved in strategic supplier selection or you might prepare an analysis on a certain, interesting market segment in Sales. Your tasks will often involve researching, analyzing and documenting information from various contacts or sources and compiling this information in a logical recommendation report.

What happens after the study program

The list of entry-level positions that are open to you after completing your study program is long: it includes positions in Purchasing, Production and Assembly, Shipping and Financial Accounting as well as Product Management, Marketing, Sales and Service. Your broad technical and business knowledge means that you are well-qualified for a range of activities. Whether as a customer consultant, market researcher, technical purchaser, process engineer in production or controller – in our company you will find diverse activities and a range of development opportunities.

Regardless of which area you decide on, we place a great deal of importance on technical and personal development. We also support you in obtaining your Master's qualification if this is required for your desired career and this fits in with your performances.

What you need to start the industrial engineering cooperative study program

We require a general university entrance qualification for a cooperative study program. But, for the Cooperative State University study program you also have the opportunity to study at the Cooperative State University with a qualification to attend a university of applied sciences. To do so, you will need very good results in the study capability test at the DHBW as well as having completed your professional training in the desired subject with very good grades.

A specific cut-off is not required to study with us – but your results should still be fairly good overall. At the end of the day the cooperative study program is very compact and demanding. That's why we also expect at least a double-digit score in mathematics, English and physics/technology.

It is particularly important to us that your personal skills fit the training and us as a company. Grades are not the only factor based on which we grant our study places, rather they secure your ticket to the interview. Do you take responsibility and always give your best? Do you think beyond your immediate tasks and take responsibility for errors? Maybe you have already demonstrated these characteristics in school and leisure activities? Then your chances of studying with us are quite high.

What you will earn

The training stipend is clearly regulated. SEW-EURODRIVE pays its trainees the following salary based on the collective agreement with the Nordwürttemberg/Nordbaden metal and electrical industry:

  • First year of study: EUR 1,288.00
  • Second year of study: EUR 1,368.57
  • Third year of study: EUR 1,489.14

Would you like to find out more about the industrial engineering cooperative study program from first-hand accounts? Then read what Diana Sämann has to say!

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A fantastic experience

Hello, my name is Diana, and I am currently studying industrial engineering on a cooperative study program. When I graduated from high school, I knew that I didn’t want to just study at a university or university of applied sciences. I wanted to combine theory and practice. This was the reason I opted for a cooperative study program. I immediately enjoyed the variety of moving between practical tasks in the company to lectures at the Cooperative State University. It is also advantageous to have a foot in the door at the company, and to have your own income, and thus be able to become independent more quickly.

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Training offers at SEW-EURODRIVE
Impressionen von unserem Infoabend zum Dualen Studium bei SEW-EURODRIVE.
Informationsabend Duales Studium

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Impressionen von unserem Infoabend zum Dualen Studium bei SEW-EURODRIVE.

Information evening "Cooperative study”

Some impressions of the information event

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