StartIntroOur services The added value for you
A customer working with the planning and configuration tool

What benefits does our project planning & design service offer you?

We want to provide you with optimum planning – before you place an order. You will be supported by technical experts who have an in-depth understanding of your industry and applications. We can offer you personal assistance and answer all your project planning and engineering questions. Or we can provide tips on how you can save maintenance and upkeep costs during the later usage of your systems.

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Our services

Drive selection based on provided customer data

Project planning from kinematics to the simulation of entire motion sequences

Energy efficiency analysis based on project planning data

Supportive activities:

  • For configuring drive systems through our experts
  • For selecting safety technology components through our safety experts, as well as automation and visualization components

The added value for you

Flawless project planning due to final plausibility check
Optimized hardware selection also for complex applications
Personal consultation and support through our experts
Time and cost savings due to simulation and preliminary startup
High effectiveness due to optimal design also in the utilization phase
Standardized reports