StartIntroOur services The added value for you
An SEW-EURODRIVE employee working on concept development

What benefits does our concept development service offer you?

During concept development, we ascertain your requirements and draw up tailored concepts for your drive, automation and safety technology.
We support you in every phase of your project from target definition to research, finding ideas and solutions up to documentation and communication.
Our experts support you with their experience and industry-specific knowledge.

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  • Further data & documents available to download.

Our services

Step 1: Target definition
  • Identifying the current state of existing systems
  • Analyzing requirements and gathering customer requests
  • Specifying objectives (performance specification) and their feasibility
Step 2: Research
  • Providing technical data and CAD data
  • Providing advice on relevant guidelines and standards
  • Support in compliance with legal requirements (such as CE conformity process)
Step 3: Ideas and solutions
  • Developing technology concepts
  • Defining individual installation concepts
  • Creating drive safety concepts based on risk assessments
Step 4: Structure
  • Providing advice on network topologies
  • Providing advice on the planning of processes
Step 5: Documentation
  • Creating and providing an individual solution concept
  • Providing project-specific documentation
Step 6: Communication
  • Presentation of the developed solution concept by our SEW experts

The added value for you

Tailored concepts for your drive, automation and safety technology
Saving time and money by having standardized interfaces and fewer contacts for your project
Avoiding costly and time-consuming measures later on in the project thanks to our CE support
Providing know-how in drive technology