This service includes everything from inspecting the drive technology component (e.g. for external damage) and carrying out the vibration measurement to drawing up a service report. We then document any recommended courses of action for you.
Inspection and photographic documentation of the machine or system
Determination of the operating conditions, e.g. environmental influences, shift patterns
Inspection for external damage, wear, and soiling of the drive technology component
Definition, marking, and photographic documentation of the measuring points
Performance of the vibration measurement on the entire drive technology component. If necessary, this includes influential drive peripherals, e.g. couplings, fans
Processing and analysis of the measured vibration data and comparison with the relevant standards
Determination of the condition of the drive technology components inspected and formulation and documentation of any recommended courses of action that may be necessary
Drawing up of a service report based on a detailed frequency analysis for each measuring point and taking account of any damage, wear, or other anomalies discovered
Creation of a trend analysis based on a comparison with previous vibration analyses