Stefan Dietrich reports

Head of Industrial Gear Unit Development
Stefan DietrichProject Manager for Requirements Engineering

Sustainable investments secure attractive jobs

Having earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering and worked in development for several years, I took on a variety of managerial tasks, which allowed me to get to know other companies. I joined SEW-EURODRIVE in 2009 and headed up development groups in the Industrial Gear Unit department. As we were undergoing restructuring, I was open in expressing my desire for a change of role. As a result, I was assigned a new task that had interested and intrigued me for some time:

Instead of being directly involved in the development of the products themselves, my current project requires me to improve and expand upon our product development process. As in many other companies, this process is based on the procedures followed by engineers. However, the approach for developing software is different in a number of significant ways – and with good reason, too. Our aim is to synchronize the joint development of products and their software, as well as taking good ideas from the software development process and applying them in the field of product development. We also want to ensure that everyone is on the same page in terms of their understanding of the development process, as the terminology used by the different development disciplines can differ based on the work culture the staff are used to. Interdisciplinary teamwork is becoming increasingly important, but it often represents a challenge to those involved. Successfully changing the development process for over 550 SEW developers while making sure we don't lose anyone along the way is an enormous task; it requires a lot of coordination between people in different fields and a mutual understanding of the needs of everyone involved in the project.

The investments SEW‑EURODRIVE has made in new plants and products are clear for all to see. However, it is the investments in training, new technology and new processes that make jobs attractive for the company and its staff.

Head of Industrial Gear Unit Development
Head of Industrial Gear Unit Development
Stefan Dietrich values the freedom he enjoys in terms of action and structuring
Stefan Dietrich values the freedom he enjoys in terms of action and structuring

What particularly appeals to me is the ability to really get into the foundations of the product development process, carry out in-depth research and speak openly with external partners, without having to worry about the comings and goings of day-to-day business. As with any job, of course, what counts is whether you are successful. I have a lot of freedom in terms of how I act and structure my approach, which is a great source of motivation for me. In order for new processes to be introduced successfully, the people involved need to be able to see the benefits of them – and to know that they have the backing of their "higher-ups," of course. Even though the concept was still largely open to interpretation at the start of the project, our management team had made it clear that they would support the changes.

Change is a constant in our business segment and processes, and that represents a challenge for all of us. However, what a large, open company like SEW‑EURODRIVE offers staff is enormous potential for change and plenty of new, interesting job opportunities.

The investments SEW‑EURODRIVE has made in new plants and products are clear for all to see. However, it is the investments in training, new technology and new processes that make jobs attractive for the company and its staff.

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