• Our experts understand your industry and requirements.
  • Our global network ensures we are there wherever and whenever you need us.
  • We have the expertise and the tools to provide optimum advice and support.
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Project planning

Our project planning tools assist you in the planning and design phase. For instance, you can select exactly the right components and solutions for your systems and requirements with speed and efficiency.

Drive selection Workbench Product configurator Tools for functional safety


Quick and easy planning, startup, operation, and diagnostics: Save time and costs with our software tools. Increase your safety and productivity at the same time.

MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering software LT Shell engineering software HMIBuilder.PRO engineering software MOVIVISION® plant software MOVI-C® / MOVISUITE® engineering software

Control technology

Control a wide range of handling units and production machines using our software tools and various application modules. Choose between a program for easily configurable applications and controller software for complex, freely configurable motion sequences. Our portfolio is completed by program modules for highly demanding path interpolation.

Free programming MOVI‑PLC® CCU application modules MOVIKIT® software modules MOVIRUN® software platform

Inverter technology

With our predefined application modules, you are ready to meet any need: Implement simple single-axis applications or complex multi-axis movements. Even highly demanding path interpolations are extremely easy to implement.

CCU application modules MOVIKIT® software modules