• Our experts understand your industry and requirements.
  • Our global network ensures we are close at hand, wherever and whenever you need us.
  • We have the expertise and tools to provide you with the best possible support and advice.
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The benefits for you

thanks to the online recording of operating parameters (condition and operating performance)

Minimized downtime
thanks to early warning in the event of critical system conditions or abnormal operating performance

Reduced costs
thanks to maximization of the service life of components and systems

Improved ability to plan
maintenance and servicing work

Think ahead and be proactive

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a fundamental technology for Industry 4.0 initiatives that uses intelligent, networked sensors, actuators, and other elements to drive digital transformation by connecting people, products, and processes. Industrial IoT platforms offer companies new possibilities for linking, monitoring, and analyzing industrial data and using it as a basis for measures to improve efficiency, maximize sales growth, cut costs, and deliver further benefits.

Our in-house DriveRadar® brand enables you to think and act predictively, and also ensures the high availability of your application. After all, by continuously monitoring all your machine and system components and collecting the associated device data, you can calculate appropriate predicted values. This not only tells you the current condition of your system – it also gives you an excellent idea of potential future issues with it. As a result, you can be proactive rather than reactive.

DriveRadar{{®}} IoT Suite for applications:

Keeping ahead of the error: With the DriveRadar® IoT Suite web app for applications, we offer continuous monitoring and reliable analyses for the maintenance and servicing of your drive components, machinery, and systems.

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DriveRadar{{®}} IoT Suite for industrial gear units:

DriveRadar® for industrial gear units is an ultra-modern, intelligent condition monitoring system that digitally records and automatically assesses gear unit data.

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DriveRadar{{®}} SmartDataCollector:

DriveRadar® SmartDataCollector software operates at device level, collecting and forwarding device data. It acts as the interface between actual devices and the cloud level, where the data can be used for condition monitoring and further analyses.

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