• Our experts understand your industry and requirements.
  • Our global network ensures we are there wherever and whenever you need us.
  • We have the expertise and the tools to provide optimum advice and support.
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Your benefits

Hygienic working environment
The stainless steel gearmotors have an easy-to-clean surface structure.

Compact installation
The KES.. helical-bevel gearmotor and the WES.. SPIROPLAN® gearmotors are been specifically designed with a directly mounted right-angle gear unit that saves on space.

Smooth production
Our RES.., KES.. and WES.. asynchronous stainless steel gearmotors are durably constructed.

PSH..CM2H.. stainless steel servo gearmotors

Hygiene as a priority: Optimized efficiency and low maintenance with long service life

Do you have particularly high demands in terms of hygiene and easy cleaning? We offer you the ideal drive solution for hygiene-sensitive areas requiring intensive cleaning.

The RES.., KES.. and WES.. asynchronous stainless steel gearmotors are constructed in such a way that their surfaces are particularly easy to clean. The housing is constructed entirely from high-quality stainless steel. The surface was designed to systematically prevent the occurrence of indentations and potential dirt traps, making it easy to clean. The fanless design also ensures exemplary hygiene as it prevents swirls of dust and dirt.

The small and compact design of our RES.., KES.. and WES.. asynchronous stainless steel gearmotors means they can be used for a variety of sensitive hygiene applications – for example, in the food and beverage industry or the pharmaceutical industry. Thanks to their design, these gearmotors are low-maintenance and have a long service life. In addition to this, the high-quality stainless steel design protects them against corrosion and provides them with high-grade resistance to acid and alkaline. Due to their optimized efficiency, these gearmotors are also particularly cost-effective and can achieve torques of up to 870 Nm.

In addition to the asynchronous stainless steel motors, our stainless steel servomotors from the CM2H.. series can also be attached to the stainless steel gear units using adapters. This results in an energy-saving belt drive for hygienic or cleaning-intensive areas, for example.

Contact form Worldwide locations Locations in Germany Adapters TorqLOC® hollow shaft mounting system
  • Use in areas that require intensive cleaning
  • Use of high-quality stainless steel (V2A, SS304)
  • Gear units with optimized efficiency
  • Easy-to-clean surface thanks to special housing design
  • Low maintenance with long service life
  • High-grade resistance to acid and alkaline
  • As few indentations as possible in which dirt or fluid could collect

Asynchronous stainless steel gearmotors

Motor size 63 71 80 90
Motor designation TENV 63-4 TENV 71-4B TENV 80-4B TENV 90S-4
Power Pn
0.18 0.37 0.75 1.1
Voltage D/Y
230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400
50 50 50 50
Nominal speed rate (50 Hz)
1385 1440 1450 1460
IE class (IEC 60034-30-1) IE3 IE3 IE4 IE3
η (100 % Pn; 75 % Pn; 50 % Pn) 71.0%; 67.9%; 63.3% 80.0%; 82.2%; 79.2% 85.7%; 82.0%; 78.4% 85.8%; 83.5%; 79.2%
Inverter operation permitted; maximum dU/dt = 1.6 kV / 0.6 µs at the terminals; IEC TS 60034-17

Combination with RES.., KES.. and WES.. stainless steel gear units

Motor designation TENV 63-4 TENV 71-4B TENV 80-4B TENV 90S-4
Pinion shaft end diameter
10 10 12 12
Hole circle/diameter FG85 D105 FG85 D105 FG100 D120 FG100 D120 FG130 D160 FG130 D160

Combinatorics: Gear unit type and size
KES..37 X X
KES..47 X X
KES..57 X X
WES..19 X X
WES..29 X X
Technical data
Gear unit type/size Max. Output torque
Gear ratio
Helical gear unit
RESF27 130 3.37 – 135.09
RESF37 200 3.41 – 134.82
Helical-bevel gear unit
KES..37 230 3.98 – 106.38
KES..47 450 4.64 – 131.87
KES..57 630 4.69 – 145.14
KES..67 870 4.68 - 188.47
SPIROPLAN® right-angle gear unit
WES..19 80 5.09 – 167.59
WES..29 130 4.68 – 188.47
  • Conveyor belts in the food industry
  • Dairies, cheese dairies and milk processing operations
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Cosmetics industry
  • Meat processing industry
  • Bottling and beverage industry
  • Equipment for laboratory applications
  • Water supply
  • All applications in extremely wet environments
  • Car wash systems
  • Pumps

The KES.., RES.. and WES.. stainless steel gear motors have been designed largely in accordance with the guidelines and directives of these organizations:

  • EHEDG (European Hygienic Engineering Design Group)
  • FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
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