• With our extensive experience in education and training
  • On-site with our didactics specialists
  • With the optimum teaching aid and modules
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Your benefits

Learn on real inverters
Thanks to the simple MOVI4R-U® frequency inverter installed in the module as the perfect introduction to the field of inverter technology.

Application-focused practice
With a simple inverter that allows electronics specialists to control real DAS motors for fans, pumps or conveyor lines.

Learn on a practical basis and familiarize yourself with the basic requirements of drive technology

When equipping less complex plants with drive technology, quick and simple inverter technology is far more useful than highly functional electronics.

The MOVI4R-U® inverter module (M4U) provides future electronics specialists (MT, EBT, EMA, EAT, EAFT, EGS) with an ideal practical introduction to the field of inverter technology. Based on subject area 8, "Selecting and integrating drives," this module represents the perfect solution for meeting the basic requirements of drive technology.

Equipped with a single-phase frequency inverter of the SEW­EURODRIVE MOVI4R-U® series, it focuses on what's important: Simple open-loop speed control of asynchronous motors supported by a new, simple, and intuitive operating concept. It also allows trainees to perform and practice the inverter control via three binary inputs and one analog input.

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  • Introduction to inverter technology, e.g. replacement of line-powered drives/motor starters/soft starters
  • Startup and basic parameterization with intuitive operating concept
  • Practical exercises for controlling DAS motors for fans, pumps, and conveyor belts
  • CW/CCW rotation of motor, boost function, setpoint changeover, terminal control or manual operation
  • Adjustable acceleration and deceleration ramps

The didactics module is suitable for use in technical high schools or for the industrial and technical training of

  • Electronics specialists (MT, EBT, EMA, EAT, EAFT, EGS)
  • Mechanical engineers
  • Automation technicians