• With our extensive experience in education and training
  • On-site with our didactics specialists
  • With the optimum teaching aid and modules
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Your benefits

Learn in a realistic environment
by means of practical exercises on real electrical equipment from the product range of a leading drive specialist

Become better qualified
with challenging didactics modules, which help specialists to understand the safe operation of complex automated systems

Practice safely
thanks to safe installation of live components

Learn how to measure and influence motor load in a clear and practical way

For operators of modern automated production plants, it is imperative to ensure process safety if the prescribed throughput rates are to be observed. Therefore, operating personnel must always be informed of exactly which loads their AC asynchronous machines are currently being subjected to. This enables the qualified technicians to implement appropriate measures in a timely manner to resolve discrepancies as quickly as possible.

Training in the reliable interpretation and influencing of motor load is a worthwhile investment: Qualified electronics professionals (MT, EBT, EMA, EAT, EAFT, EGS) help to prevent costly malfunctions.

Didactics module for practical learning at a high level

Our didactics modules for electromechanics with real, proven equipment guarantee learning at a high level as part of subject area 8 "Selecting and integrating drives." The motor load diagnostics (MLD) teaching aid set, for example, provides the opportunity to safely replicate the loads on an AC asynchronous motor, thus making them easier to understand.

The motor's direction of rotation can be easily changed using two 24 V inputs. The module also has an additional input, with which the prospective experts can evaluate the data from the motor thermistor directly. Motor management also supports the simple calculation of electrical parameters such as current, voltage, and power.

The motor load diagnostics module involves two pieces of electronic equipment:

  • Electronic load relay with the functions clockwise/counterclockwise rotation, electronic motor protection, and emergency stop as direct motor control
  • Motor management relay for overload and underload monitoring in drive machines
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  • Electronic load relay ELR:
    • Rated current 2.4 A
    • Nominal voltage 500 VAC
    • Control voltage 24 VDC
  • Electronic motor management EMM:
    • Max. rated current 16 A
    • Control voltage 24 VDC
  • Switching AC asynchronous motors on the grid
  • Changing the direction of rotation in line operation
  • Activating freely configurable switching and reporting thresholds (e.g. overload and underload)
  • Measuring and recording electrical quantities

The didactics module is suitable for use in technical high schools or for the industrial and technical training of

  • Electronics specialists (MT, EBT, EMA, EAT, EGS)
  • Mechanical engineers
  • Automation technicians